Born: 2003.
Financial adoption: Bas Bosman. Roos van Thiel and family, the Netherlands; Sronko Diaries Ghana
Kojo was born around 2003 and was found walking around the Bantsona area of Accra at night. Attempts to trace any relatives were fruitless. He was in Osu Children’s Home at first and then came to Hand in Hand in 2008.
Kojo has mild cerebral palsy and is intelligent. Kojo is a charming boy (hence his nickname) and he is very sociable. He loves to get to know people and the many visitors that come to Hand in Hand. In a morning he will go round the community greeting people and will blow kisses. He also likes to play, “who is it?” by pointing at different people and looking at someone to tell him the name. This game will usually include him pointing to himself quite frequently to hear his own name. But if the person playing with him mentions another name instead, Kojo’s face falls, so you need to get it right in the end to bring that smile again.
Kojo also like to throw kisses at people, in a royal way, which he of course needs to see thrown back to him again. Kojo is an enthusiastic boy and he usually enjoys life to the full. Sometimes he can be angry and will threaten to throw or to beat, but in general it is easy to calm him down.
He is part of the early morning exercise group on the field and can be seen jumping over obstacles and kicking a ball with the support of a caregiver when it is required.