When you are interested in supporting Hand in Hand financially with the care for one of these children, please go in the Menu to Support Us of just send us an email.
You can find the stories and pictures of the children we still remember here: in remembrance
Residential children
At this place you will find a lot of information about the residents who were all once abandoned due to their disabilities and who found a new and safe home in Hand in Hand. They are the ones staying here permanently.
For all of them it’s very likely they wills stay in our Community for the rest of their life, for in Ghana there is not yet any type of follow-up care, also not for (young) adults with disabilities.
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Workshop children
These youngsters still have family looking after them and living close to Nkoranza or at a distance elsewhere in Ghana. Most of these young adults will stay in Hand in Hand almost the whole year, they only go home during school vacations and even then not all the time, it depends if the family is willing and able to pick them.
All young adults will have a meaningful way of spending their days in the sheltered workshop and first of all they have lots of fun there with each other and with the caregivers.
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