The saying “Every cloud has a silver lining”
After a period of “heavy and dark clouds” in PCC, coinciding with the last few months of 2022, the sun has come from behind those very clouds again. Evidently, now I must also share the joy of PCC with you.
Recovery Amma Lekma
The last few months of 2022 passed full of grieve and sadness and during that same period another crisis arose concerning Anna Lekma, whose health was in such a desperate state that recovery seemed utterly impossible.
But see and wonder, miracles do happen: Amma Lekma had to undergo some serious surgery, however, she has completely unexpectedly recovered and is radiating as never before!
Who would have thought that a few weeks ago? We did not even dare to hope for it, but still it happened!
Well done, little strong Amma Lekma.
Opening G-8 House
We have already mentioned in an earlier AC the arrival of our friends of the G8 group from Groningen. Firstly, they helped us build a small bridge in October 2022 to make (part of) the access road to PCC passable again. However… that was far from all, because secondly, they contributed substantially (both constructional and financially …!!) to the realisation of a new dormitory for the bigger boys of PCC. It has become a truly magnificent building, have a look at the pictures!
During the last week of January, we opened this wonderful new building, much to the pleasure of the residents of PCC and especially of those who were going to live there. After the grand opening everybody got the opportunity to marvel at both the inside and outside of the building.
What a great asset to our Community.
The name of the building was also unveiled during this occasion: from now on it will be called the G8 House! Give credit where credit is due!
Three new residents
Also, in January we agreed on the transfer of three children with special needs from Kumasi Children’s Home (KCH) to PCC. They will come to PCC because we can offer them a better opportunity to develop their skills.
We will welcome a 5-year-old boy, a 2-year-old boy and a girl of about 6 years old. They are most welcome in PCC!
They will arrive in PCC early February, and they will get their new PCC-name then. So there is still time to think hard about their new names, and … we are open to good suggestions!
Gabriel has moved (inside PCC)
If you have ever visited PCC in the past, you will definitely know Gabriel. He has been living here since he was a baby and, in the meantime, he has grown into a delightful almost 12-year-old boy.
During the past years he started visiting Joe Emma, his wife Elizabeth Agyeiwaa and his daughters Bossman and Alberta more often. Evidently, he felt at home there, meanwhile also enjoying the life in PCC.
A big step forward has been made, because for a week now Gabriel is no longer staying at his caregiver’s, but he has been living with Joe Emma and his family. Gabriel is still part of PCC, but he has now a father, a mother and two sisters: he is part of a real family, and he is beaming with happiness!
Hopefully, more positive news will come from PCC – Hand in Hand the next few months and we will most eagerly share it with you!