A new year: “Change is in the air”!


A new year with lots of changes

After having said our farewells to the year 2023 with a big bonfire on the 31st of December, the New Year in PCC has started in a good and festive way. Shortly before, on Boxing Day, the 2023 Christmas Play was performed in a grand manner by all residents and caregivers. It was an impressive spectacle and a great success, with merry Matthew in the leading role of baby Jesus.


Meanwhile together we are looking forward to a year in which the word “change” will be often heard in PCC. Which is not typically for 2024 by the way, because each year is a year of change. The one thing which remains the same is the fact that new changes keep on coming…, as they surely also will during this year!


What is to be expected of 2024?

For PCC the retirement of Samuel Baffo will certainly be a big change. In the meantime, he has been working for our Community for about 30 years and in August he will reach the pensionable age.

Preparations for his upcoming departure are in full swing which is crucial, because during those 30 years Samuel has been burdened with more and more responsibilities. It is most important that all those tasks are being meticulously delegated to others between January and August which won’t be very easy.


The one who will be (formally) taking over all daily responsibilities from Baffo is Joe Emma, our Care Director. However, in order not to burden him too heavily, many of Baffo’s tasks will be (partly) fulfilled by a group of 6 people, the so-called Support Group. This Group will consist of solely very experienced caregivers, each with their own talents and skills.

It will be obvious that the daily management of our Community will change considerably! We are eager to see it all!


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In the second half of 2024 we are hoping to realise, together with the always fabulous and much appreciated help of the G8 from Groningen, a new building for the maturing young ladies of our Community.

A comparable building for our maturing young men was realised two years ago by the G8 and now it is the ladies’ turn!


Just before the end of last year the new road into our Community was (finally) ready. This road goes around the hospital buildings because the hospital did no longer want any “foreign” traffic on their premises. So, we will definitely be hitting a different road…!


This year – and also really soon – we will be opening another Day care Centre: the third DC. It’s in Kyeradeso, one of the villages in our District. By doing so the outstretched arm of PCC to the many children needing special care outside the walls of our Community, is extending and becoming more and more visible, which makes us really proud!



So, there will be much change this year, but what remains and hopefully will never change, is the visible pleasure most of our residents emanate every day. This joy has become the hallmark of our Community during the years.

This happy smile makes the difference, this smile is warming our hearts and that of our many sponsors and donors, who will be supporting us in all kinds of ways also in 2024.

Many thanks for this and we wish you much peace and prosperity in 2024!!