Born: August 2006
Financial adoption: Thea Hoefsloot, Holland.
Tettey was born in 2006 in Akwatia Hospital, probably as a premature baby with various disabilities and he stayed there for almost 4 ½ years. His mother disappeared soon after his birth and his father was not able to care for Tettey, so the elderly RC Sisters in Akwatia Hospital took care of him on the Children’s ward. He was hospitalised and stayed in his cot almost all day.
In 2011 he came to Hand in Hand, after the plea of some volunteers who felt pity for Tettey and cared for him when volunteering in Akwatia. Tettey has a severe scoliosis, poor vision and could not stand or walk when he first came to us. He was also far too small and lean for his age.
Since arriving in PCC this boy has changed considerably. Tettey soon put on weight and became quite agile. He is known to all, not only walks but runs around the community, very often helping others. He will get things for some of the other children when asked by the care givers and can be very helpful. He enjoys the water at pool time and joins in many activities.
Tettey loves to dress up when we have a PCC party. He also likes to engage with guests and can be quite cheeky at times which is lovely to see when you consider the sad start to his life. But when he starts beating and breaking lights bulbs and so on we need to correct him……