
Born: app. 2007

Sponsor:    Fam. Minnaard, The Netherlands

In May 2014 a girl of about 6 to 7 years old  ( so born around 2007) was found wandering the roads near Kade and Akwatia in the Eastern Region. The man who had found her brought her to the police station. Because both further research and a FM radio appeal were to no avail, Social Welfare brought this little girl, who was deaf and dumb according to the police, to an orphanage in Akwatia where she was not treated very kindly. It took a little while but eventually in October 2015 this little girl was able to make PCC her home and we gave her the name Rebecca. It is great to watch her enjoy an hour of splashing around in the pool, one big party! She thinks it is great to play with all kinds of educational material together with only a small number of children. Within a few days it seemed as if she has been living here for months. She walks around hand in hand with everybody and she enjoys the food, which is offered to her: a whole new world is opened up for Rebecca since she arrived at PCC.  Quietly she continues to grow and develop. Her smile remains as beautiful as it was when we first saw it.

NB: see also Albert’s Corner 28th January 2015!