Peter is coming!


On October the 21st we welcomed Peter as a new resident of our Community.


Peter is in his early twenties, and he is from Accra.
He was abandoned by his family at an early age and via Osu Children’s Home he was subsequently admitted to an active relief organisation in Accra, called O-Africa. They have taken care of him for the past 17 years. Unfortunately, they are unable to continue this care in the future.


Peter has special needs: he has a slight intellectual disability besides ADHD, he is autistic, and he suffers from epilepsy. Peter also has difficulties with speaking.
In Accra they have tried to train him for various jobs (e.g. for a job at a hotel and at a tyre repair shop and for a job as a basket maker), but this has not been very successful yet.


At the end of September Peter and some other youth and employees of O-Africa, visited PCC for one-and-a-half day and then it was already obvious that Peter was very happy with and enthusiastic about PCC. Besides, he was well-able to tell why he would like to come and live in PCC.
This has happened accordingly, and we wish Peter an excellent future and a good life in PCC.


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