Sponsor: Fam. de Bruyne – de Graaf, Holland
Since 2019 Peter Anamu is active in the sheltered workshop of PCC, where we will try to teach him various small skills.
Peter comes from Bolgatanga, originally even from Nigeria, where he was born around 2001.
He has a moderate intellectual disability and was hidden for years in a small room before he was found and accepted in 2010 by Mama’s Place in Bolgatanga, a care centre runned by Mama Laadi.
The management of Mama’s Place asked PCC to allow Peter to work for some years in the workshop, to enable him to develop some vocational skills for the future..
Peter is a quiet and nice young man, who likes to talk to you in a friendly way and who will always invite you to share his dinner with him!
However, sometimes things don’t go the way he likes and then he might become angry, but in general you can calm him down easily and the problem is solved rather quickly.
Peter enjoys living and working in PCC and he also likes to make little jokes, he is a funny boy!