Geboren: 2014
Marc Hope was born around 2014 and we met him In October 2019 when visiting Kumasi Children’s Home. We immediately felt that he could really benefit from being at PCC and joining our community. Marc Hope had been abandoned by his family a few months before and after being found he was sent to KCH. When examining him we noticed various scars on his back, most likely signs of maltreatment in the past. Marc does not talk but he does make sounds that let you know when he needs some help or if he likes or does not like something. Since arriving at PCC he is known as Marc Hope, referring to the apostle Marc, but also to a good friend of ours who died in 2019. His name expresses our hope that PCC can offer him a safe and pleasant place to live and enjoy life, a safe haven where he can be happy to be himself and forget about the bad start of his life. Marc Hope has a moderate intellectual disability and appears to be autistic so he spends time at our room for the other autistic children and as you can see from the photo he enjoys the activities that they do here. In his own way he tries to make contact with other people and listening to the sounds he then makes he really enjoys. He doesn’t like sitting quietly at one place unless he is really engaged in an activity and will get up and wonder round quite frequently. This can happen even when eating his food. Marc enjoys pool time and being in the water. In fact Marc Hope seems to enjoy his whole life in the PCC Community where everyone feels happy with this nice young boy.