Finally back in PCC – Hand in Hand again

It has taken a while, but finally, finally…: after an 8-month-absence forced on us by Covid-19
Jeannette and I have been back again in PCC since mid-September!!
The welcome we received from all residents and caregivers on our arrival from Accra was most affectionate and heart-warming. It gave us a feeling of coming home again in our familiar Ghanaian home.
Many residents welcomed us with spontaneous actions like tight hugs and warm embraces: there is no question of keeping your distance at such a moment…! Anyway, there never ís any “social distancing” in PCC. In fact, there is a continuous feeling of togetherness and family here and this is exactly what PCC is all about.
Covid-19 in Ghana
Corona doesn’t seem to be a big problem in Ghana (anymore). The population seems to be taking all required measures less and less seriously, but we will continue to guard the entrance of PCC for the time being. We do not want to run any risks with our fragile residents…
Workers of the town of Nkoranza were here last week to disinfect the compound, even the soccer goals were thoroughly cleaned. However, I am not quite sure whether this will much contribute to the health of our residents…
Schools in Ghana
In Ghana all schools have been almost completely closed down since April (except for those who will be taking their school exams) and this will remain the situation until January 2021! So, all children of PCC who would normally attend Shalom Special School, the Nation Builders International School or the Star International School have joined the daily programme of PCC for months now.
This programme has been considerably disrupted in the meantime because of this. It is less divers and challenging for most of our residents now, so something should be done about it soon.
Stephen is going to school again on his bike though. Together with other children from his class he is attending extra and fee-paying classes and we hope that all of these pupils will be able to go to Junior High School as planned.
Goodbye Kwame Evans
Last week we said goodbye to Kwame Evans, who had told us shortly before that he wanted to leave PCC and start working for the organization Clear Mind as a fulltime car cleaner. He had already been working for this organization for a longer period of time. We wish him all the very best for the future.
And what about PCC?
We were so happy to be able to conclude soon that nearly all residents of PCC were still looking happy and good. Even after this difficult and complicated Covid-19 period and thanks to the quality care of our caregivers directed by Joe Emma and Baffo.
The past period has made clear that the functioning of PCC and the care for its residents have the characteristics of a large ship that even though the sea is rough is able to keep its course.
The fundamentals on which our Community has been built in the course of the years appears to be robust and can be put to the test. It is an observation which we were delighted to be able to make!
Outreach work has also been slowly starting up again during the past period, all work had to be ceased completely in the months of April and May. It now gives us the opportunity to make good preparations for the opening of a wonderful and brand-new Daycare centre in Nkoranza in January 2021.
After our absence of eight months at least two recently married caregivers are noticeably pregnant. Have a look at Gertrude and Vivian in the picture.
Looking back over the past weeks we are filled with feelings of happiness and pride. It is fabulous to be back here in PCC and we are delighted to see that the residents are doing fine, and we are proud that despite the difficult circumstances certainly the broad outlines of the work have continued as of old.
This has built much trust in the future of the Community!