Born: +- 2013
Sponsors: Frank and Stieneke Baas; Martin and Jeannette Kemp; Kees and Ineke van de Graaf, all from Holland
In October 2017 we met a sweet little boy in Kumasi Children’s Home having an intellectual disability and a club left foot. He was staying in KCH since August 2017, when someone had left him as a foundling just outside the gate of KCH. When we saw him first he was about 3 – 4 years old and not (yet) able to talk, but it seemed he understood a lot. He is well able to sit by himself, likes walking hand in hand and is smiling the whole day, it appears he feels at home in PCC!
When coming to PCC in November 2017 he got the beautiful name David (that means: “darling”) and from the first day on he enjoyed the pool, where other small boys like James and Joel were welcoming him.
The biblical David was a young man capable of doing something great and we do hope our David can also do wonderful things and show a lot of progress in PCC. Together with Reuben, who came with him at the same day from KCH to PCC, David was lucky enough to arrive well in time in PCC to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of PCC by the end of 2017.
His club foot was operated on in 2018 and since then he has walked much better.
David still smiles all the time!