Born: December 12th, 1992
Died: March 25, 2012
TekstBright came to the Sheltered Workshop in the middle of 2007, together with his friend Samuel. Both are kids with Down’s Syndrome and both had completed the Shalom Special School. Bright is a very friendly guy who likes beadwork (as well as every other activity!) but, contrary to his friend Samuel, cannot stay at one place for more than 5 minutes. Bright’s big gift is to socialize and walk around and have great conversations with people. Recently Bright was moved from the bead-hall to the restaurant where he is learning to be a waiter. He is able to sweep and bring plates of food to the table already. (However he prefers to sit down and be served food himself and because of his charm he sometimes gets away with this!) His constant adversary at the restaurant, John Adzo, who works there longer and does everything much more efficiently, has seen to it that there is a very strict distribution of work between the two. When John is working, Bright better sweep or withdraw to the general kitchen to assist Janet, or else the visitors get their meals served in a war zone of mutual shoutings and insults between Bright and John. Theirs is an uneasy peace-deal as the two kitchens are very close by! Unfortunately Bright died very suddenly on March 25, 2012. We mis him a lot at PCC. May he rest in Peace.
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