A sad week for PCC.
Suddenly there is a dark cloud above PCC, the joy of every day is rudely disrupted when we had to say a final goodbye to two of our residents within a period of just one week. In both cases it happened rather suddenly and unexpected.
On Sunday 30th of October Bernice passed away in the Hospital. She was suffering from diabetes already for years and her blood sugar levels were on and off disrupted, despite insulin and a careful diet. Most often her blood sugar levels could be adjusted rather soon in the Hospital, but despite a Hospital admission of one week it was not like that this time and so she slipped out of life.
Bernice was about 30 years of age and came from a village close to Nkoranza. She lived in PCC already since 2009 because of her diabetes. It proved to be difficult to get her blood sugar level well-regulated in the village. During the longer school vacations however she always went to see her mother.
Apart from diabetes Bernice also had a mild intellectual disability. For years she worked happily in our sheltered workshop and had lots of fun with other youngsters. Most of the time she was happy and sociable, but on and off she could quarrel and then we had to call her to order.
As a result of the diabetes her vision gradually deteriorated and unfortunately a visit to an Ophthalmologist in Kumasi could not change that.
She died far too young and she will soon be buried in her own village. Over there and in PCC she will be missed for long.
On Thursday 2nd of November, just a few days after the death of Bernice, we also lost Wumpini after a short admission in the Hospital.
Wumpini lived almost his whole life in our Community, he came – only 2 years old – to PCC in the year 2002 from Tamale. Over there he was abandoned by his parents because of the cerebral palsy that occurred during his delivery.
Life was definitely not easy for Wumpini, few of us would ever consider swapping life with him. He didn’t only suffer from an intellectual disability, also both his legs were paralyzed. Over the years the contractures in both legs worsened despite daily physiotherapy and good positioning in his wheelchair.
During the last period we couldn’t hear his clear laughter as often as before and it wasn’t easy for our caregivers to get him eating well.
After a short period of being ill and becoming more weak it seemed he was recovering well in the Hospital until we received the sad tiding of his passing away.
On that same day everybody in the Community came to say goodbye to Wumpini and after a short solemn ceremony led by the Hospital priest he was buried at the cemetery of Nkoranza.
We hope and believe that he has now no worries anymore and is resting in the arms of his Lord and Shepherd.
We pray that God will save our Community for more sadness in this tough period for PCC.
May Bernice and Wumpini find eternal rest in God’s Heavenly Peace forever and ever. Amen.