Born: 1990
Financial adoption: G.Boer, from Holland; Jennie and Read Jones from Bristol, UK For Yaa Yaa Evelin we are looking for €25 additional sponsoring per month.
Yaa Yaa was born in 1990 and has been at PCC for a good number of years. She is intellectually disabled and also deaf.
She is part of the group of children and young people in the autism room where she joins in the activities and takes part in most of the things offered to her. At times she is very lively and enjoys both interaction and affection. There are other times when she seems to prefer to be on her own and even to sleep quite a bit.
Her smile can be very nice and she likes to be hugged, but on and off she can also look very sad. Also then a hug is appreciated.
There are many things Yaa Yaa can do like threading beads on a string and she enjoys being in the water at pool time in the afternoons at PCC.