Sunday morning in PCC

Sunday mornings are a bit different from all other days in PCC.
Last night we didn’t have any power, fortunately early this morning it was on again.
As usual the day starts with an hour of walking, also Emmanuella is joining in with her “shuffle walker”. It is always a pleasure to see her doing this and it is very obvious that she is very proud of her own achievement!
Then it is time for breakfast. Today all children are especially pleased, because they do not only get cornmeal porridge for breakfast but also a baked bean-flower bun. A treat to be eaten separately or together with the porridge! Together it makes a very nutritious meal just like yesterday when the children were given “Tom Brown” for breakfast: a savoury porridge made of soya flower and peanuts. Yummy!!
Already before breakfast a first visitor is coming to PCC, a 17-year-old boy from town, who was spotted there by one of our caregivers with a very old and defective wheelchair. The problem was provisionally solved by the use of a broken down garden chair (!!), but of course this was not very effective eventually. Thanks to our extensive Resource Centre we are able to help him this Sunday morning with a good and brand-new wheelchair. He is going home happy and grateful as a result! We have made his day!
This morning many caregivers and volunteers are going together to the church in a village down the road by bus. Over there caregiver Thomas’s parents are asking for God’s blessing over their traditional marriage which was officiated years ago and everybody wants to go there to celebrate along with Thomas and his parents.
As usual the day starts with an hour of walking, also Emmanuella is joining in with her “shuffle walker”. It is always a pleasure to see her doing this and it is very obvious that she is very proud of her own achievement!
Then it is time for breakfast. Today all children are especially pleased, because they do not only get cornmeal porridge for breakfast but also a baked bean-flower bun. A treat to be eaten separately or together with the porridge! Together it makes a very nutritious meal just like yesterday when the children were given “Tom Brown” for breakfast: a savoury porridge made of soya flower and peanuts. Yummy!!
Already before breakfast a first visitor is coming to PCC, a 17-year-old boy from town, who was spotted there by one of our caregivers with a very old and defective wheelchair. The problem was provisionally solved by the use of a broken down garden chair (!!), but of course this was not very effective eventually. Thanks to our extensive Resource Centre we are able to help him this Sunday morning with a good and brand-new wheelchair. He is going home happy and grateful as a result! We have made his day!
This morning many caregivers and volunteers are going together to the church in a village down the road by bus. Over there caregiver Thomas’s parents are asking for God’s blessing over their traditional marriage which was officiated years ago and everybody wants to go there to celebrate along with Thomas and his parents.
A wonderful sign of unity amongst our caregivers. The ladies are looking splendid in their beautiful Ghanaian robes (have a look at the picture and admit that I am right!). The bus is not very large but no fewer than 16 people can travel by it, cosily crammed! There is no room left for the driver’s mate so he is sitting on top of the roof!
At 9.30hrs our children are going to their own service in our unique rock church, just like every Sunday. Kofi Asare is as always eagerly leading the PCC music group during all songs that are sung during this service. Besides he honours all children that lead the other residents in their sometimes entirely inimitable personal prayers with a loud bang on the drums. Their prayers will be heard in Heaven because Jesus said: where there are 2 or 3 together in my name, I will also be there. Amen!
During the service there is time for one of our caregivers to do the hair of another caregiver. Vida, our hostess, is also a capable hairdresser and she is going to take care of Gertrude’s hair. Women in Ghana spend an unbelievably large amount of time on their hair. It usually takes 4 – 6 hours at the hairdresser’s to turn Afro-textured hair into something different but also beautiful by means of e.g. extensions or straightening. The result is always wonderful and very special!
All in all it is a very peaceful morning here in PCC as it should be in the Peace of Christ Community. Fortunately, the political and social unrest that seems to prevail in many places on earth is far from us. We can only be thankful for the peaceful atmosphere here. May it always be like this!
At 9.30hrs our children are going to their own service in our unique rock church, just like every Sunday. Kofi Asare is as always eagerly leading the PCC music group during all songs that are sung during this service. Besides he honours all children that lead the other residents in their sometimes entirely inimitable personal prayers with a loud bang on the drums. Their prayers will be heard in Heaven because Jesus said: where there are 2 or 3 together in my name, I will also be there. Amen!
During the service there is time for one of our caregivers to do the hair of another caregiver. Vida, our hostess, is also a capable hairdresser and she is going to take care of Gertrude’s hair. Women in Ghana spend an unbelievably large amount of time on their hair. It usually takes 4 – 6 hours at the hairdresser’s to turn Afro-textured hair into something different but also beautiful by means of e.g. extensions or straightening. The result is always wonderful and very special!
All in all it is a very peaceful morning here in PCC as it should be in the Peace of Christ Community. Fortunately, the political and social unrest that seems to prevail in many places on earth is far from us. We can only be thankful for the peaceful atmosphere here. May it always be like this!