
Born: app. 2009-2010

Sponsoring: 3  Dutch friends of PCC!



Sara was found wandering the streets in 2014 when she was near the huge Kejetia market in Kumasi. Her parents or other relatives were never found, that is why she was brought to Kumasi Children’s Home. A number of European volunteers met Sara at Kumasi Children’s Home and were very concerned about her as she was having such a hard time.  They pleaded that she could come and live at PCC and after a visit we said YES. Sara came to make PCC her home in 2017.  We are unsure of her age, but guess that she was about 7 – 8 years in 2017.

Sara is autistic and also has epilepsy. She seems to want to keep herself to herself but if you spend time quietly sitting with her and perhaps showing her something it is possible to engage with her.  Food is very important to Sara and at times she likes to stand by the kitchen as if making sure the food will come.  However she will also now engage and join in a few activities. At times she can surprise us all and joyfully dance to music and smile but all too soon will return into her own world.  Like with so many of our residents we just need to be patient and go at her pace but keep working to help her feel at ease here with us at PCC.