Sponsors: Fam. Knapek, Germany; Fam. Ravensbergen; The Netherlands
By the end of 2017 a mother in Kumasi was evicted by the Ghanaian authorities from parental authority for her 2 boys (one only 1 month, the other one 11 years), as she was using her children repeatedly for begging on the street.
The baby was first admitted and examined in Hospital because of a suspicion on hydrocephalus, after that he was entrusted to Kumasi Children’s Home. From KCH he came to PCC in February 2023.
Nathan proves to be a delightful little boy who was 5 years on arrival in PCC in February 2023. He has only a mild intellectual disability, his speech is below standard for his age. But apart from that he is a healthy and open boy, funny, sociable and playful.
Initially he was eager to slap anyone whom he felt was in his way, but he soon unlearned this awkward habit. He proves to be learnable, is doing very well in the Daycare and he has taken the role of big brother for Abigail!
Nathan brings extra joy and is very welcome in our Community!