Born: 1992
Financial adoption: Hester van Wieringen, Holland; Sofanne Ravensbergen, Holland
Mabel was born in 1992 and came to live at PCC in 2006. Prior to this time she lived happily with her Mother who was the cook at the neighbouring Shalom Special school. Mabel’s Father had died many years ago and when her Mother who loved Mabel very much also sadly died she came to be a part of our community and lives with us here at PCC.
Mabel has Down Syndrome and is usually a happy soul though she can be stubborn and get quite cross at times. This is balanced by the extremely helpful side of her nature as she will help the younger children at pool time with getting dressed and undressed.
Mabel also likes to have fun and will laugh and joke with you. She is a great dancer and loves to join in at music time. If you meet her, don’t forget to ask for her name, she will tell you proudly her name of baptism.