Kwame Ayim

Born: 2006 or 2007
Financial adoption: Anne Ruth Bouta; B.J. van Dijk; Gerda van der Wal, all from Holland.

Kwame was born in 2006 or 2007.  Then in July 2010 Kwame Ayim was left at Osu Children’s Home in Accra as a foundling. A month later he was brought to Hand in Hand. He is a quiet and very friendly child with an intellectual disability and some kind of difficulty with his ankles, which can make walking awkward for him.

Despite the fact that Kwame Ayim does not talk he can certainly smile and reacts happily when people talk to him. He is a very positive young man and enjoys the swimming pool and the playground and joins in worship when there is a Church service on a Sunday morning in PCC. He is a very keen member of Summer School and likes to learn a lot. Although running is not so easy for Ayim, it wouldn’t stop him play football with all others.

And with his gesticulations he is quite able to communicate!