In Memoriam Abass

About two years ago through this column we informed you about Abass who by then had to deal with a very serious illness
, a severe gastro-intestinal disease that brought him on the brink of death. Luckily enough and miraculously he survived that disease, though not without consequences.
After an admission of 5 weeks in the Holy Family Hospital in Techiman Abass was discharged without a clear and final diagnosis and he returned in a very weak and lean condition to PCC. By then he was not able to walk anymore, couldn’t eat by himself and was hardly able to talk, in fact he could only communicate via some simple movements of his head.
It took almost one year (!) before he more or less fully recovered, back to his old and typical way of moving and talking and only as a result of lots of care, extra meals and specific physio exercises.
We were so happy and proud that at the end we were able to pull him through his suffering. He again became part of PCC like before and was walking and talking as only Abass can do.
But unfortunately in May 2018 Abass was having the same symptoms just like in 2016. So when he suddenly started vomiting and even couldn’t drink water any more we quickly presented him to the paediatrician in Techiman, knowing very well what happened in 2016.
He was immediately admitted but this time the process of the disease was different. Abass showed no recovery anymore, on the contrary, his condition got worse and worse and we are sad to say that after five days of admission Abass died on Saturday 26th May in the Hospital.
Another drama for PCC, already the third drama in 2018, a terrible tragedy.
After an admission of 5 weeks in the Holy Family Hospital in Techiman Abass was discharged without a clear and final diagnosis and he returned in a very weak and lean condition to PCC. By then he was not able to walk anymore, couldn’t eat by himself and was hardly able to talk, in fact he could only communicate via some simple movements of his head.
It took almost one year (!) before he more or less fully recovered, back to his old and typical way of moving and talking and only as a result of lots of care, extra meals and specific physio exercises.
We were so happy and proud that at the end we were able to pull him through his suffering. He again became part of PCC like before and was walking and talking as only Abass can do.
But unfortunately in May 2018 Abass was having the same symptoms just like in 2016. So when he suddenly started vomiting and even couldn’t drink water any more we quickly presented him to the paediatrician in Techiman, knowing very well what happened in 2016.
He was immediately admitted but this time the process of the disease was different. Abass showed no recovery anymore, on the contrary, his condition got worse and worse and we are sad to say that after five days of admission Abass died on Saturday 26th May in the Hospital.
Another drama for PCC, already the third drama in 2018, a terrible tragedy.
Though we were already prepared for a sad outcome for some days we all were moved hearing about his passing away as Abass was a special and beloved resident of PCC.
After his death Abass was brought to PCC where the whole Community paid him the last honours. After a short and solemn ceremony we all could give our last respect and said farewell to him while walking around the open coffin.
After that a PCC delegation brought him to his last resting place at the Nkoranza general cemetery.
Abass was about 14 years and lived for 5 years in PCC. He had his own special and charming way of telling stories with his loud voice, stories we unfortunately only partly understood. In a quiet way he participated in all PCC activities and his way of walking with wide gestures was very typical.
But above all Abass was a nice and beloved resident of PCC and we all will dearly miss him.
It is our conviction that his last 5 years were the most happy years of his life and we are proud he was part of PCC for 5 good years!
We now entrusted Abass into the hands of his Creator and Heavenly Father and while dedicating him to God and our Father we now say:
Farewell Abass, may you rest in eternal and perfect peace. Amen.