
Born: +-1997

Sponsoring: fam. Müllners, Germany; fam. Van Dalfsen, Netherlands


In October 2019 we accepted Dora Nyarko as a new and permanent resident to PCC. By then she was in her early twenties.
Dora is a young adult who used to come from Nkoranza town  to our sheltered workshop already since July 2019. Dora has a mild intellectual disability and is suffering from epilepsy. She is a very kind young woman and is helping out in the sewing room of the sheltered workshop.
Her parents have passed away and she was living in a house in town amongst alcohol and drug addicted relatives. Unfortunately she was not safe there which became apparent in September 2019, when she was beaten up by her brother who came home after a night out…..

Dora’s neighbour took good care of her and brought Dora to PCC where we are happy to be able to offer her a safe home. Like all those who live at PCC Dora is very welcome.