An exceptional Christening service

It has been more than 2 years ago since we had a christening service here in PCC

and quite a lot of new children have come to PCC since then. So it was high time to send Father Benneh an invitation and ask him to organize a special christening service in our Community.
On Friday morning the 31st of July 9 (!) children are sitting in the front row of the PCC church in their special baptismal clothes waiting in expectation of the things to come.
On this day Daniel Coffie, Abass, Efia Mawunya, Nana Agyei, Joel, Miriam, Benjamin, Rebecca and Baagyei are the fortunate ones who will be called by their Christian names by Father Benneh and all other residents and caregivers will be the witnesses of this. At that moment they will also hear that they, too, are entitled to Jesus’ instruction: “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them”. They are also children of God and they belong, too.
The Roman Catholic Church is rich in symbols and rituals and our children appreciate this very much. They are not only christened with baptismal water during this service but they are also anointed on their foreheads and in the region of their hearts, on top of that Father Benneh touches them with a sacred cloth in a particular manner. For all children a candle is lit as a sign of the Light of Christ that is also shining over them.
Still this is not all, for all who are baptized Father Benneh has brought a large image of Maria with a prayer on its back and last but not least a beautiful rosary too. Today the sky is the limit!
Joel is experiencing the christening with an open and longing look, proud that he is in the centre of events (too). Rebecca is afraid when the bowl with baptismal water is turning into her direction and she averts her head crying “no”, but this is not the purpose of christening and that is why three great gushes of water are poured onto her head.
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Abass calls out a few inimitable words and his special godfather for today, Kwame Evans, is standing right behind him – he is even more proud than Abass himself! When baptizing little Benjamin Father Benneh, whose first name is also Benjamin, is looking extra happy and hey presto, there goes the bowl again, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Once again some wonderful baptizing has been accomplished!
All children are remarkably quiet during this exceptional service, not only the nine baptized but also all other residents of PCC! Even Kojo Joseph, Joyce and Michael are quiet and that is really something. Father Benneh is telling about the seed that is sown in fertile soil and says that PCC is a sign of fertile soil too!
He is talking about “the Circle of Life” and turns our attention to the fact that it is not Kofi Asare who is beating the drums today but young Kwaku Chairman, Kofi Asare is settling with indicating the rhythm. We all have to make room for the next generation once, so he says, and that is why we are so happy with so many young and new baptized children.
The christening service ends with the Holy Communion and for the nine children this is their first time. Abass has to taste well before he even wants to accept the Communion wafer and Efia Mawunya does not want any wafer at all. Daniel Coffie and Nana Agyei, however, are very proud indeed, because now they too belong to the “big” people!
So this is how it became an exceptional celebration, a festive service in our church and an important day in the lives of nine of our residents. In fact it was a wonderfully festive day for the whole of our Community and for all members of the PCC family.
Because it is christening, that connects all of us with each other and with our Creator.