
Sponsor: Maud Radstake and Madamfo Foundation, The Netherlands


In april 2022 a girl of about 5 years was found in Kumasi while roaming the streets. It seemed nobody was taking care of her and she was brought to Kumasi Children’s Home.

The family never showed up and in February 2023 she was transferred from KCH to PCC.


When we met her first we saw a girl with a mild intellectual disability with a look of fear in her eyes. She was not communicating with the people around her, it’s likely she is also autistic.

She has a kind of serene look and it appears she is always gazing into the distance.

For some time after her arrival in PCC she seemed to be anxious and was not sleeping well, even making a lot of noise at night. Sometimes she even stained the wall of the room of her caregiver, but luckily enough that was only for a short period.

Abigail is also suffering from epilepsy, but reacts well to treatment given.


Rather soon she seemed to feel more safe and happy in our Community, very pleased with her new extended family. And Nathan (who came with her from KCH) is lining up as her big brother!


Her face is opening more and more, though she is mainly living in her own world.

Welcome Abigail, we are very happy you came to PCC