A new edition of the PCC Herald

Please find a new episode in the series of columns on the ups and downs of our Community and its residents.
Hopefully you will be enjoying yourselves while reading this new “PCC Herald”!
Shouldn’t it rain during the rainy season?
Some things seem crystal clear: it is dry in the dry season and rainy in the rainy season, simple as that, right?
Well, this year it seems all weather gods have forgotten that it should be pouring with rain in the rainy season. Up till now there has been very little rain, which is a very sad business for all farmers and for us, because the PCC farm has also been hit by drought. Once in a while there is an occasional shower, but we need a lot more rainwater for a good harvest. The first serious tropical rains we had in a long time fell only at the end of May. We are certainly hoping for much, much more rain, as a blessing from above!
God is Love Fun Club
You may remember that a large number of our caregivers lost a considerable sum of money because of their participation in the “God is Love Fun Club” (Albert’s Corner, July 2015, “Gold fever in Nkoranza”).
After a lot of legal hassle and interventions by the Bank of Ghana the government has decided that everybody will be compensated for 50% of their loss, this will have to be paid from the frozen bank accounts of the Fun Club.
All are happy, although this still means the caregivers have lost 50% of their investment. However, it is an unexpected windfall because they thought they would never ever be compensated at all. A very expensive lesson learnt and surely no Fun at all!
Shouldn’t it rain during the rainy season?
Some things seem crystal clear: it is dry in the dry season and rainy in the rainy season, simple as that, right?
Well, this year it seems all weather gods have forgotten that it should be pouring with rain in the rainy season. Up till now there has been very little rain, which is a very sad business for all farmers and for us, because the PCC farm has also been hit by drought. Once in a while there is an occasional shower, but we need a lot more rainwater for a good harvest. The first serious tropical rains we had in a long time fell only at the end of May. We are certainly hoping for much, much more rain, as a blessing from above!
God is Love Fun Club
You may remember that a large number of our caregivers lost a considerable sum of money because of their participation in the “God is Love Fun Club” (Albert’s Corner, July 2015, “Gold fever in Nkoranza”).
After a lot of legal hassle and interventions by the Bank of Ghana the government has decided that everybody will be compensated for 50% of their loss, this will have to be paid from the frozen bank accounts of the Fun Club.
All are happy, although this still means the caregivers have lost 50% of their investment. However, it is an unexpected windfall because they thought they would never ever be compensated at all. A very expensive lesson learnt and surely no Fun at all!
Samuel Osei
Recently Samuel Osei, 16 years old and from Sampa near the border with Ivory Coast, has come to PCC as a new worker at our sheltered workshop, for a period of three years for the time being. Samuel has Down Syndrome. Fortunately, his family is taking care of him, but they would like Samuel to learn more skills to be better able to look after himself (a little) in the future. Welcome to PCC, Sammy!
Livestock at PCC
When you are visiting PCC you will not only meet many children and caregivers but also all kinds of animals, PCC sometimes looks like some kind of petting zoo. Chickens everywhere, there are 3 donkeys and about 40 goats roaming about and since very recently we also own ………. 3 beautifully pink pigs. The idea is that they will throw a litter of piglets, which can be sold at a profit, just like a major part of the goats.
Edmond the great cleaner
I have already written about Edmond who has – during the past year – developed into a great help with tending the animals and with the removal of much of the waste produced in our compound. He is the permanent help to Abraham, but he is also working more independently of late. You can see him carrying a huge amount of wood in a wheelbarrow, which is much bigger than he is, in the picture! It is making him very happy and proud.
Our Piedu has grown from a young boy into a sturdy and macho young adult resident. He is about 22 years old and has been living in PCC for 15 years!
You would think that all his qualities should be well known to us by now, however, it is only recently that we discovered an entirely new quality: he appears to be a very caring and dear “doll’s father”. Isn’t it endearing?!
So far this edition of the PCC Herald. To be continued!
Recently Samuel Osei, 16 years old and from Sampa near the border with Ivory Coast, has come to PCC as a new worker at our sheltered workshop, for a period of three years for the time being. Samuel has Down Syndrome. Fortunately, his family is taking care of him, but they would like Samuel to learn more skills to be better able to look after himself (a little) in the future. Welcome to PCC, Sammy!
Livestock at PCC
When you are visiting PCC you will not only meet many children and caregivers but also all kinds of animals, PCC sometimes looks like some kind of petting zoo. Chickens everywhere, there are 3 donkeys and about 40 goats roaming about and since very recently we also own ………. 3 beautifully pink pigs. The idea is that they will throw a litter of piglets, which can be sold at a profit, just like a major part of the goats.
Edmond the great cleaner
I have already written about Edmond who has – during the past year – developed into a great help with tending the animals and with the removal of much of the waste produced in our compound. He is the permanent help to Abraham, but he is also working more independently of late. You can see him carrying a huge amount of wood in a wheelbarrow, which is much bigger than he is, in the picture! It is making him very happy and proud.
Our Piedu has grown from a young boy into a sturdy and macho young adult resident. He is about 22 years old and has been living in PCC for 15 years!
You would think that all his qualities should be well known to us by now, however, it is only recently that we discovered an entirely new quality: he appears to be a very caring and dear “doll’s father”. Isn’t it endearing?!
So far this edition of the PCC Herald. To be continued!