
Born: 1995
Financial adoption: J.C. Bootsma, Holland; M. Klomp, Holland; Innes, UK

Pakor, born in 1995, has Down Syndrome and autism and he came to live at Hand in Hand in 2003 from the Osu Children’s Home.  The scars on his body tell a past story of abuse. Pakor, like many people with autism, often prefers his own company and when he first arrived at Hand in Hand this was very true. He could always be seen on the periphery of what was going on and especially in the water at pool time. Pakor would always stand in the same place just playing with the water with his back to everyone else in the pool. However, in more recent years he seems to be more confident and will interact. He enjoys party time and will join in dancing. He also likes to be involved in drumming and music sessions. It is lovely to see this disabled and rather scared young man settle and become a part of our community. During morning walking rounds he nowadays likes to shake the hand of some people that he might meet, while walking hand in hand with Yaw Balloon or Yaw Hillal.

Pakor loves his food and …. other people’s food as well if he can get access to it, so watch your plate at meal times!