Geboren: 1994
Sponsor(s): Joke Wittekoek; Fam. P. Jansen. Voor Piedu zoeken we €25 extra sponsoring per maand.
Piedu, born 1994 has a learning disability and can’t talk. He came to us in 2001 from the Osu Children’s Home. When he first came to us he was very scared but things have changed!

Piedu is now a very lively young man who loves to play ball and swim and splash everyone if he can when he jumps into the water. At times he can be over boisterous and we have to help him to learn not to hurt some of the more physically vulnerable children. He enjoys the drumming sessions and will help Kofi Asare to set them up. He plays football regularly with the other boys and the caregivers.

There are times when he will show extreme anxiety and it is usually around a new experience that he finds very frightening. He can cope with a new experience but needs support. To feel going out of PCC will be OK and he will return to what is most definitely his home. Piedu shows a funny combination of boisterous macho behavior and  at times extreme anxiety.