Baffo retired
Of course, we have known for a very long time that Baffo would be leaving PCC because he was approaching retirement and evidently, he knew that, too.
So, it was no surprise. However, now Baffo has left us after 30 years of loyal service, it is a huge change. Not only for himself but also for the entire Community, because Baffo was always here and now, he is not!
Because it is very important not to let major life events pass just like that, all activities on the 16th of September were revolving around Baffo’s parting from PCC.
It all started with a parade across our premises headed by Baffo and followed by all residents and caregivers. While singing and drumming, the procession was walking past the many buildings which were built during Baffo’s management time of the Community. His signature is visible in many places in PCC!
The rest of the morning was filled with various games for both children and caregivers, like tug of war, musical chairs and of course, soccer. Baffo was the referee during every game to the amusement of all, because he showed the yellow and red card quite often!
Which was not all: during the afternoon “fun in the swimming pool” was the centre of attention. Baffo threw plastic balls into a basket and everyone was eagerly throwing them around the pool, which was great fun!
But, this was just the prelude to the real party!
This Baffo-day would not do, of course, without a special Baffo send-off party.
Almost everybody was wearing a PCC-shirt and Baffo himself looked splendid in his kente garment and shiny slippers. Four of his children were also present, his other three (older) children are living in Europe.
Many previous caregivers had also come to this special send-off party of their former boss, whom they often affectionally called “Dada”. Both the former and present caregivers gave Baffo a wonderful “Citation” on which they had expressed their gratitude for all of Baffo’s work for PCC.
The Board of PCC also expressed its gratitude and great esteem for Baffo’s unceasing efforts and commitment to PCC during the past 30 years. Starting out as the personal driver of Ineke Bosman, he has climbed to the position of Project Director!
In the course of the years, he has taken on various tasks, like the supervision of building and renovation activities and keeping and managing the books and so on, too much to mention.
After this laudatory speech the Board presented Baffo with a fabulous kente garment with the Gye Nyame (God is above all) symbol on it and he was proudly wearing this during the rest of the party.
In his expression of gratitude Baffo reflected on 30 wonderful and fruitful years of commitment to PCC, during which he had worked closely with Ineke Bosman until 2009 and for the last 15 years with the current Board, besides of course with numerous other colleagues.
Baffo explained that his parting from PCC because of his retirement was a fact of life, but that it would be very difficult not to go to PCC anymore, doing his work and meeting the children…! He will have to get used to the new situation, but he will remain a member of the PCC family for the rest of his life.
After Baffo’s final words the party erupted in happy music, dancing, mirth and tasty food…! Then the time came for Baffo to close the door to PCC for the last time. A parting with a smile and a tear…
Thank you so much, Baffo, for all the work you have done for PCC and its residents. You have done well, and you may be very proud of your work. It is time for you to enjoy your much-deserved retirement.
Aye kooooo!